Walkelin de Ferrers
Birth date:
ABT 1140
Birth place:
Of, Oakham, R, England
Death date:
  AFT 31 DEC 1189
Death place:
  Of, Normandy, , France

Walkelin de Ferrers Family

Mother: Margaret Peverell
Spouse: Sybil De Braose
Walkelin (William) De Ferrieres
Walcheline de Ferrers
William De Ferrers
Hugo De Ferrers
Robert Ferrers
Hugo deFerrieres
Hugh Ferrers
Henry deFerrers
Petronella Ferrers
Millicent Ferrers
Joan deFerrers
Walcheline deFerrers
Walcheline De Ferrers
Agatha deFerrers Derby
Mathilda de Ferrers
Hugo De Ferriers
Petronille De Ferrars
Walcheline Lord of Eggington De Ferrers
Petronella De Ferrers
William De Ferrers Earl of Derby
Walkelin de Ferrers
William De Ferrers Earl of Derby